Fractal capital growth with artificial intelligence

Axinoss is a privately held proprietary algorithmic trading company focused on researching and utilising automated strategies and mathematical risk-taking profiles for optimal capital growth. Our self-learning deep neural decision making system profits from micro- and macro-scale structural fragilities in market dynamics without human intervention.

Modus operandi

Axinoss was founded on the premise that whatever factors drive a market, there's a way to find and express its dynamics algorithmically, without human intervention, such that optimal decisions for maximizing long-term capital growth can be made automatically. We call this pricinple automated end-to-end decision making for optimal capital growth. Success in this domain requires unique, innovative technology and the right attitude towards risk.

The financial market is an incredibly complex system with many non-linear interactions that cannot be described by purely deterministic principles. Our AI system learns the full distribution of possible interactions with quantifiable degree of accuracy directly from the data. Its ability to realistically synthesize various market scenarios on the distribution manifold is what guides our decision making in our risk taking practises.

Risk approach

Financial markets are risky, and sometimes volatile. These two concepts are often unjustifiably conflated. Any strategy that seeks to survive and extract long-term alpha in a market must benefit from and not be harmed by uncertainty and extreme events. This ancient philosophy is called antifragility - an operating principle where one is exposed to the convex payoffs from extreme and chaotic events. It is central to the idea of tail risk hedging. The principle can be applied at every scale in the financial market which is why we refer to our approach as fractal.

Our main strategy is to find and exploit structural fragilities in the macro- and microdynamics of the market using our AI system's evolving understanding of these dynamics by creating a risk-profile that thrives in volatile market conditions where traditional hedge funds would not survive, allowing us to gain a massive long term edge.

Two Branches

We currently run a proprietary fund with closed access to outsiders. This may or may not change in the future. For reference our current strategy is divided into two main branches:

Axinoss Fractal Alpha: Focused on profiting from microscale events

Axinoss Tail Alpha: Focused on profiting from macroscale events

Our Research

Deep learning and complex systems research is at the core of our operations. If you're interested to find out more about our research, contact us at:

Key People

Topias Nurminen

Head of Operations

Andreas Urbanski

Head of Research